Gitte Poulson
Gitte holds an MA in the Study of Religion from Aarhus University. In her thesis she combines philology and anthropology to investigate how the Pātañjalayogaśāstra is used to create a basis for authenticity at a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher School located in Nepal. Gitte is a former student at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies where she has studied for three full terms. She has participated in long-term study programmes in Varanasi and Kathmandu. She is the Kathmandu Office Manager and a Research Assistant affiliated with the Śākta Traditions research programme. Gitte is also a certified yoga teacher with an interest in yoga in a historical as well as a contemporary perspective.
Gitte will be teaching on Tantra and Śāktism with special focus on the Masked Dances of the Aṣṭamātṛkas and their worship in the Kathmandu Valley, as well as being the managing director of the Summer School.
Contact: gitte@ochs.org.uk